Saturday, October 15, 2011

From the wild world

 Buzzard thaking a flight and calling in its territory. In Swedish we call this bird: Ormvråk. Wich would be Snake Buzzard in English. They do catch snakes if they get a chance. A realy beautifull preditor bird that is common around its distribution range. This is the nominate specie of the buzzards.


I love to take many diffrent kindes of shots at the Red Fox. And this shot is for sure diffrent. Its only bekos its a youngster that he gave me the chance to take this shot. After a waild he moved of this road that he were sleeping on and hopefully he dident sleep on a road again. This were a forest road that almost no one travels on but it is still a chance that a car can hit him. 


  1. This is precious, Billy. A beautiful Buzzard and that sleepy lovely kit on the road. Second time that we see them sleeping on the road. Do you know why? ...

  2. Yes, its bekos its a youngster. He dident know what a road were proborly. You can get all sorts of chanses with youngsters bekos they dont know much. :)
